Chihung Yang was born on October 25, 1947 in Taiwan. Between 1965 and 1968, he attended the National Taiwan College of Art. In 1979, he emigrated to the United States of America with his wife, Jane, and their son, Daniel. In 1984-85 and again in 1985-86, he was awarded a year's residency at The Clocktower in New York City by The Institute for Art and Urban Resources.
Chihung Yang's work has been reviewed in admired journals by many noted critics of contemporary art, including Kenneth Baker [San Francisco Chronicle, 29 May 1985], Eleanor Heartney [ Art News, November 1984], Gerrit Henry [Art in America, December 1989], Catherine Liu [Flash Art, Jan/Feb1988], Robert C. Morgan [Arts Magazine, January 1988], and John Yau [Artforum, November 1985]. His work has also been the subject of esays in solo exhibition catalogues by John Yau [1984 and 1986], Michael Walls [1987], Margaret Sheffield [1987], Frederick Ted Castle [1990], Barry Schwabsky [1993], and David Ebony [1995]. Chihung Yang's work is included in significant museum, corporate, and private art collections in Western Europe, the Americas, and Asia.
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