Press Coverage

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2018.5.30[SFShibao/舊金山時報] “我的守护者”456画廊展出 华裔女画家勾勒“兔子人生” ....more
2018.4.16[SinoVision English Channel] My Own Keepers ....more

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Artist Benrei Huang 黃本蕊 is addressing current issues with the help of a furry friend. Find out how she's merging reality with whimsy in this video!


2018.4.2[The China Press/僑報] 华裔画家黄本蕊个展曼哈顿开幕 ....more
2018.3.30[World Journal/ 世界日報] 台灣藝術家黃本蕊,用兔子尼尼記錄人生 ....more
2018.3.30[SinoVision/美國中文電視] “我的守护者”456画廊展出 华裔女画家勾勒“兔子人生” ....more
2018.3.27[DW News/多維新聞] 我的守護者 黃本蕊畫展 ....more