


Writer's Vessel at KB Berlin 2016
2014 "One Kind of Behavior", Bronx Museum, New York
2014 "Urban Landscape", IT Park, Taipei
2013 "the Echoes of Remembrance", inart Space, Tainan, Taiwan
2013 "Unfinished Journey: An Ongoing Project by Shyu Ruey Shiann", Chinese American Arts Council /456 Gallery, New York
2013 "Poetic Rationality, Warm Coldness-Shyu Ruey Shiann Solo Exhibition", ISE Foundation, New York
2012 "Distant Rainbow", Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
2011 "Journey", Tenri Cultural Institute, New York
2007 "Zero to Infinite", National Hsinchu University of Education, HsinChu, Taiwan
2006 "Echo from within", Shin Leh Yuan Art space, Taipei, Taiwan
2006 "Beyond the Becoming", Taipei International Village, Taipei, Taiwan
2002 "About my 97-00", National Central University
2002 "Ruey-Shiann Shyu Solo exhibition", GAS works studio, England
2000 "Virtual Reality", Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
1999 "Ruey-Shiann Shyu Solo exhibition", IT Park Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
1999 "A Language of Precision and Abstraction: overture of Life", Dimension Endowment of Art, Taipei, Taiwan
1997 "First solo exhibition", Aix-en-Provence, City Art Gallery, Aix-en-Provence, France
2014 “The Pioneers” of Taiwanese Artists, 1961-1970, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung
2014 “Reformation”, White Rabbit Gallery, Sydney
2013 "Intersecting Vectors--Experimental Projects from the TFAM Collection", Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei
2013 "Inter-Vision" A Contemporary Art Exhibition Across the Strait 2013, Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung / National Art Museum of China, Beijing
2013 "Transcendency of Illusion", Taipei
2013 "Smash Palace", White Rabbit Gallery, Sydney
2013 “Transcendency of Illusion”, Taipei
2012 "2012 Very Fun Park", Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, Taipei
2012 " Art of Universal Knowledge", feature exhibition in Kinetica Art Fair, Ambika, London, England
2012 "Lunarfest", Harbour Front Centre, Toronto and Vancouver Art Gallery Plaza, Canada
2010 " Continuation – Special Exhibition of LI Chun-Shen Modern Painting Award Winners (Review)",National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung
2009 " Dream in a Contemporary Secret Garden", Asian Contemporary Art Week, Chelsea Art Museum, New York
2008 "Snake Alley", Asian Contemporary Art Week, New York
2007 Asian Contemporary Art Fair, New York
2007 Jamaica Flux: Workspace and Windows 2007, New York
2007 Nine International artists Exhibit at location One, New York
2006 "City Mambo", Stone Villa, Sydney vs. Shin Leh Yuan Art space, Taipei
2005 Kaohsiung International Container Art Festival, Kaohsiung
2003 Kaohsiung International Container Art Festival Kaohsiung
2002 "At the Edge of the Mimetic situation, I, here, now", The Pier-2 Art District-Kaohsiung
2002 "Labyrinth of Pleasure", Kaohsiung Fine Arts Museum
2001 Lee Chung Sheng Art Foundation Modern Painting Prize, Crown Art Center, Taipei
2001 Kaohsiung International Container Art Festival, Kaohsiung
2001 "Labyrinth of Pleasure", Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei
2001 "Very Fun Park", travel show to Contemporary Art from Taiwan / Hong Kong Arts Center / Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Australia / Taipei Eslite Art Gallery
1999 "Magnetic Writing/Marching Ideas, Works on Paper", IT Park Gallery, Taipei
1999 "Media Muscle Cramp", Hanart Gallery, Taipei
1998 "Reflection and Reconsideration: 2.28 Commemorative Exhibition", Taipei Fine Arts Museum
1997 "Fete de la Science", Montbeliard, France
1997 "Work Show", Aix-en-Provence Art College, a joint exhibition on the Internet with M.I.T, Boston.
1995 "Quan Les Machines Riant", Centre d’Art et de Plaisanteire, Montbeliard, France Invitation Exhibition "Alternate-automate", Friche