
何思瑋,台灣台中人,1985年生,臺灣師範大學英語系畢業,輔修美術。2008年赴紐約視覺藝術學院主修插畫,隔年轉至普瑞特藝術學院攻讀藝術創作碩士學位,主修版畫。目前居住紐約 。作品曾獲選紐約國際版畫中心 (IPCNY) 2012年秋季版畫展,也被登載於藝術設計雜誌Creative Quarterly。2012年獲得紐約藝術基金會的Van Lier獎助金,同年並參與Vermont Studio Center的藝術家駐村計畫。


她曾任教於皇后美術館 (QMA) 的New New Yorker課程,擔任版畫教師,也擔任兒童美術教學與藝術行政工作。目前持續素描、版畫、陶藝等等媒材的實驗與創作。

2014Spending Time with Time, solo exhibition, 456 Gallery, New York
2012Inked Surfaces, National Juried Exhibition or Prints, Diablo Valley College, California
New Print 2012- Summer, International Print Center New York, Chelsea, New York
Wish You Were Here 11, A.I.R. Gallery, Dumbo, New York
The 3rd Bangkok Triennial International Print and Drawing Exhibition, Bangkok, Thailand
Global Matrix III- An International Print Exhibition, Purdue University Galleries, West Lafayette, Indiana
2011Hotel 718 - Brooklyn Arts Council Project, Brooklyn, New York
Seeking Space - Bushwick Open Studios Overflow Show, The Loom, Brooklyn, New York
The Islanders, MFA Thesis Exhibition, Dekalb Gallery, Pratt Institute, New York
MFA Thesis Exhibition, Pratt Institute Manhattan Gallery, New York
Crossing Disciplines: Books, Norman Gallery, Pratt Institute, New York
2010MFA Group Exhibition, Steuben West Gallery, Pratt Institute, New York
2009Illustration Group Show, East Building Gallery, School of Visual Arts, New York
2008Graduate Exhibition of Fine Arts Department, NTNU, Taipei, Taiwan