



Shida Kuo's story/ sculptor
2017 SOKYO Gallery, Kyoto, Japan
2016 Eslite Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2014 SOKYO Gallery, Kyoto, Japan
2010 Eslite Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2009 Nancy Margolis Gallery, New York, NY
2007 Eslite Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2006 Gallery Space at Wagner, NY
Nancy Margolis Gallery, New York, NY
2005 Eslite Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2004    Nancy Margolis Gallery, New York, NY
2001    Fine Metal concept, New York, NY
2000 80 Washington East Gallery, New York, NY
1999 Eslite Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
1998 Gallery Mic Art, Lille, France
1993 Gallery 456, New York, NY
1992 80 Washington East Gallery, New York, NY
2018 Eslite Gallery, Taipei Taiwan
2017 Essential Earth, Wayne Art Center, Pennsylvania, USA
2016 "NY, NY: Clay" , Clay Art Center, Port Chester, NY
2015 Galley 456, New York City, USA
"Head Space", NYU Art Department, New York
"Green Room", NYU Art Department, New York
Art Faculty Show, Pless Hall, NYU, New York
2014 IAC members exhibition, Dublin, Ireland.
TAAC Partnership exhibition, Queens Museum, New York
2013 Star Gallery, Beijing, China
Halcyon Gallery, Shanghai, China
"Material Spin", NYU Art Department, New York
2012 IAC members exhibition, New Mexico Museum of Art, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Arts Faculty Show, Pless Hall, New York University, NYC
2011 Eslite Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2010 “Margin” The Common, Barney Building, NYU
2009 Nancy Margolis Gallery. New York, NY
2008 Nancy Margolis Gallery. New York, NY
2007 SOFA New York, Nancy Margolis Gallery, New York, NY
Arts Faculty Show, New York University, NY
2006 Multnomah Arts Center, Portland, Oregon
Eslite Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
National Museum of History, Taiwan
2005 The 3rd World Ceramic Biennale, Invitational, Korea
Weisspollack Gallery, New York, NY
SOFA New York, Nancy Margolis Gallery, New York, NY
Hammond Museum, New York
Fondazione Sant’Antonio, Noli, Italy
2004 “Fifth Binnale D’ Arte Contemporanea Paraxo”, Andora, Italy
Milieu, New York, NY
“Fogli Parlanti”, Alessio, Italy
Jericho Plaza, New York
2003    Nancy Margolis Gallery, New York, NY
SOFA New York, Nancy Margolis Gallery, New York, NY
2002    SOFA Chicago, Nancy Margolis Gallery, New York, NY
Nancy Margolis Gallery, New York, NY    
2001 Gallery of Amerasia Bank, New York
Taipei Gallery, New York City
2000 Everson Museum of Art, New York
Cork Gallery, Lincoln Center, New York
Gallery of Amerasia Bank, New York
Baltimore Clayworks, Baltimore, MD
Shiwan Treasure Pottery Museum, GuangDong, China
1999 “Ceramic Arts Millennium Invitational Exhibition” Beijing, China
Kuo-Mu-Sheng Foundation Art Center, Taiwan
An Outdoor Ceramic Sculpture Making and Exhibition, Shiwan,
1998 Galerie Pierre, Tai-Chung, Taiwan
“International Ceramic Exhibition”, Yixing Ceramics Museum, Yixing, China
1997    Queens Library Gallery, New York, NY
1996    Rogaland Kurstnersenter, Norway
80 Washington East Gallery, New York, NY
New World Art Center, New York, NY
1995    Apex Art, New York, NY
1994    UP Gallery, Kao-Shung, Taiwan
Cherng-Piin Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
Rosenbery Gallery, New York, NY
1993    Tour Exhibition, Virginia, Maryland, PA
New Hampshire, New York, NY
Cork Gallery, Lincoln Center, New York, NY
Outdoor Sculpture, New York Downtown Hospital, NY
Cherng-Piin Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
1992    Rosenberg Gallery, New York, NY
1991    Loeb Center, New York University, NY
1988    Yung-Han Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan