1907 出生於江蘇省吳縣。
1924 從蘇州畫家顧麟士(1865-1933)習畫。
1932 進上海東吳大學攻讀,同時從著名畫家吳湖帆(1894-1968)習畫及研究鑑賞。
1935 成為故宮博物院收藏赴倫敦展審查會會員。
1940 與德國藝術歷史學家維多利亞.孔達博士合力編纂《明清畫家印鑑》。同時在上海與蘇州美術專科學校教授中國繪晝。
1949 定居美國紐約。
1950 在紐約"藝術學生聯盟"(藝術學校)開始學習西方繪畫技法。紐約華倫.考克斯畫廊首次個展。
1957 赴香港中文大學美術系教授中國繪畫。
1962 任香港中文大學藝術系主任並教授中國繪畫。
1965 與畫家張大千(1899-1983)遊歷瑞士及歐洲各國。
1966 參加紐約美國藝術聯合會贊助的六位中國現代畫家巡迴展(中國的新山水畫]。
1968 加利福尼亞州舊金山市第揚紀念博物館個展。
1970 美國紐約約翰.威瑟希爾出版公司出版第一本個人畫冊《胸中丘墾》MountainsoftheMind: The Landscape Paintings of Wang Chi-ch'ien。
1971 加利福尼亞州洛杉磯藝術博物館回顧展。伊利諾依州芝加哥大學文藝復興學會(中世紀的中國繪畫]展
1972 印地安那州印地那不勒斯博物館個展。紐約市華美協進會和夏威夷州火努魯魯藝術學院個展。
1973 麻薩諸塞州劍橋市哈佛大學福格博物館個展。紐約羅素.寶格學院的新畫廊、紐約中國文化中心及紐約州立大學新帕爾茲分院分別個展。
1974 紐約大都會博物館授予"捐助人"永久會員。遊歷美國克羅拉多州山區、黃石公園及大峽穀等名勝。
1975 紐約哥倫比亞大學個展。
1976 伊利諾依州查爾斯頓市東依利諾依大學個展。加利福尼亞州舊金山市中國文化中心個展。
1977由亞瑟.沙可樂(Arthur M.Sackler)基金會及美國國際展覽基金會共同贊助進行作品全美巡迴。展並出版畫冊《王己千的山水:胸中丘墾》(The Landscapes of C.C.Wang: Mountains of the Mind) 。紐約布魯克侖博物館(The Brooklyn Museum)展出沙可樂基金會所贊助之全美巡迴展作品。
1980 受聘為蘇富比國際拍賣公司中國繪畫部特別顧問。
1981 中國上海(吳湖帆師生展)
1982 參加由香港修 摩斯畫廊(Hugh Moss Gallery)在英國倫敦舉辦的個展。
1983 香港藝術中心個展,由香港中文大學贊助。
1983 台灣臺北歷史博物館個展。
1984 台灣臺北藝術博物館聯展。
1985 受聘為中國"藝苑撥英"社名譽顧問。
1986 受聘為上海中國畫院名譽畫師。出版《王己千山水畫冊》(C.C.Wang: Landscape Paintings),由高居翰作序。
1986 香港藝術中心個展。
1986 參加山林幽居:現代中國山水畫展,在美國科羅拉多艾史朋博物館和紐約洛威畫廊展出。
1987 應聘為中國上海大學美術學院客座教授。阿拉巴馬州伯明罕藝術博物館個展。
1988 (意境山水)巡迴個展在華盛頓州西雅圖市享利藝術畫廊舉行;該展覽隨後在舊金山中國文化中心和堪薩斯大學賽塞藝術博物館和紐約華美協進社等先後展出。
1989 加州洛杉磯郡藝術博物館莫蘭史密斯收藏的六位廿世紀華裔藝術家展覽。
1991 獲紐約州議員葛漠頒發的亞裔傑出人士"風雲人物獎"。中國遼寧瀋陽博物館展。香港樂山堂個展。紐約456畫廊首次個人書法展覽。
1992 紐約文良畫廊(書法展覽]個展。
1993 出版《王己千近作》(C.C.Wang Recent Works),由張洪作序。
1994 參加紐約史格勒辛吉畫廊(不可知:東西方藝術的共通性)書展。
藝術家網站 https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/719422 |
展覽經歷 | |
1950 Exhibited his first one-man show at the Warren E. Cox Gallery, New York, New York. 1966 Exhibited in "The New Chinese Landscape: Six Contemporary Chinese Artists", which circulated throughout the United States, under the auspices of the American Federation of Arts, New York, New York. 1968 Solo exhibition: M.H. de Young Memorial Museum, San Francisco, California. 1969 Appointed Lifetime Fellow of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York. 1970 Published first book "Mountains of the Mind: The Landscape Paintings of Wang Chi-Ch'ien" (John Weatherhill, Inc., New York and Tokyo) with Professor James Cahill's introducation. 1971 Retrospective exhibition, Los Angeles County Museum, Los Angeles, California. Exhibited at "Chinese Painting at Mid-Century", sponsored by the Renaissance Society, University of Chicago. 1972 Solo exhibitions: China Institute of America, New York, New York; Honolulu Academy of Arts, Honolulu, Hawaii; Fresno College, Fresno, California; Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, Indiana. 1973 Solo exhibitions: Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts; The New Gallery, Schacht Fine Arts Center at Russell Sage College, Troy, New York; Chinese Culture Center, New York, New York; New Paltz State University, New Paltz, New York 1974 Elected "benefactor" and permanent member of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York 1975 Solo exhibition: Columbia University, New York, New York 1976 Solo exhibitions: Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois; Chinese Culture Foundation, Scan Francisco, California 1977 Retrospective exhibition, The Brooklyn Museum, New York, sponsored by the Arthur M. Sackler Foundation, Washington, D.C., and the international Exhibition Foundation, Washington, DC, A catalogue, The Landscape of C. C. Wang: Mountains of the Mind was published to complement the exhibition. The exhibition traveled to many cities throughout the United States 1981 Exhibited in "Paintings and Calligraphy by Wu Hufan and His Disciples of Meiying Studio", Shanghai, China. 1982 Solo exhibition: Hugh Moss Gallery, London, England. 1983 Solo exhibitions: Hong Kong Arts Centre, Sponsored By the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong; National Museum of History, Taipei, Taiwan. 1984 Participated in the show "Masterpieces of two Chinese Artists" with the artist Wang Fangyu at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan. 1986 Solo exhibition: Hong Kong Art Centre, Hong Kong Exhibited in "The Mountain Retreat: Landscape in Modern Chines Painting", Aspen Art Museum, Aspen, Colorado and Emily Lowe Gallery, Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York. 1987 Solo exhibition: Birmingham Museum of Art, Birmingham, Alabama. 1988 Retrospective exhibition, "Mind Landscape: The Paintings of C. C. Wang", organized by the Henry Art Gallery, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington. The Exhibition traveled to the Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas; the Chinese Culture Center, San Francisco, California; the China Institute in America, New York, New York. 1989 Exhibited in "Six Twentieth Century Chinese Artists", from the collection of Murray Smith, at the Los Angeles Museum of Art, Los Angeles, California. 1991 Exhibited at Liaoning Museum at Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China. Solo exhibition: Sponsored by Lo Shan Tang, Hong Kong. Solo exhibition of Calligraphy: Gallery 456, New York, New York. 1992 Solo exhibition of Calligraphy: L. J. Wender Gallery, New York, New York 1994 Exhibited in "Not Knowing: Affinities in Eastern and Western Art", Gallery Schlesinger, New York Solo exhibitions: Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan; National Tsing Hua University Art Center, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan; Pristine Harmony Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan. Solo exhibition of Landscapes and calligraphy with accompanying catalogue, "C.C. Wang: Landscape and calligraphic images", Plum Blossoms Gallery, Hong Kong and Singapore. 1995 Exhibition "The C.C. Wang Family Collection of Fantastic Rocks" E&J Frankel Ltd., New York, New York. Solo exhibition of painting and calligraphy "C.C. Wang: old Master, New Ideas" at E&J Frankel Ltd., New York, New York. Participated in the group show "Art of Ink in America" at Gallery Korea, New York, New York. Exhibited at Elizabeth wang Gallery, New York, New York. 1996 Exhibited at "Living Master's Recent Painting by C.C. Wang", Asian Art Museum, San Francisco, California. 1997 Exhibition "C.C. Wang at Ninety", Kaikodo Gallery, New York, New York. Participated in the group show "Asian Traditions, Modern Expressions: Asian American Artists and Abstraction 1945-1970" at Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum, the State University of New Jersey, Rutgers, New Jersey. Due to his active participation in Chinese painting at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the museum honored him by dedicating a room named "C.C. Wang Family Gallery" within its Chinese Painting Gallery. 1998 Exhibited with Sing F. Ma at "The Collection of Painting and Calligraphy by the american Artists C.C. Wang & Ma Singfoon" at Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China. the museum also published the catalog under the same name. A congratulatory letter from President & Mrs. Clinton sent to the opening ceremony of the exhibition in Hong kong. Published the catalog for the exhibition "C.C. Wang & Sing F. Ma Art Works" at Grand Peking Gallery, Hong Kong. Exhibition "The Master & Pupil Exhibit of C.C. Wang & Ma Singfoon for Charity" held at the City Hall, Hong Kong, sponsored by Sheen Hok Charitable Foundation. Participated the exhibition "A Century in Crisis: Modernity and Tradition in the Art of Twentieth- Century china" at the Soho Guggenheim Museum, New York, New York. 1999 Exhibition "The Artist as Collector: Masterpieces of Chinese Painting from C.C. Wang Family Collection" at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York. Co-exhibited modern works with Wucius Wang in "Calligraphy and Beyond" at the Plum Blossoms Gallery in Hong Kong and Singapore. 2000 Group exhibition "Madame Chiang Sung Meiling with Other Masters for the Year of 2000" at the Wolrd Journal Art Gallery, Whitestone, New York. Exhibition in Ethan Cohen Fine Arts Gallery in New York, New York. Group show "Big Apple Chinese" with other Chinese artists, Kaikodo Gallery, New York, New York. |