2018.2.21 | [World Journal/世界日報] 法拉盛文藝中心 「京劇戲服特展」 記者會 ....點選更多訊息 |
2018.2.20 | [The China Press/僑報] 京剧戏服特展法拉盛举办(图) ....點選更多訊息【侨报记者王伊琳2月17日纽约报道】法拉盛文艺中心“欢庆农历新年系列”活动之一的“京剧戏服特展”17日开幕,现场多件手工精美色彩丰富的京剧服饰把民众带进了内涵丰富的京剧世界,让大家领略到博大精深的中国传统文化。
2018.2.19 | [SinoVision/美國中文電視] “京劇服飾特展”紐約法拉盛藝術中心開展 賞戲服之美 慶農曆新年 ....點選更多訊息春節系列節目“京劇服飾特展”于近日在紐約法拉盛文藝中心展出,以展現中國傳統文化的形式,讓民眾品味節日氣氛。現在就讓我們跟著記者的鏡頭,先睹為快。
2018.2.18 | [World Journal/世界日報] 癡迷京劇60載 周龍章珍藏精美戲服200件 ....點選更多訊息七歲學戲的周龍章,癡迷戲曲60年,除了表演京劇外,畢生興趣就是收集戲服,至今已有200件收藏品。為讓更多民眾了解中國傳統文化,他於17日(大年初二)在法拉盛文藝中心合辦「京劇戲服特展」,展示自己超過40年的收藏品。他說,戲服製作手續繁雜且昂貴,這些收藏品在他心中都是無價之寶。
2018.2.18 | [Spectrum News NY1] NEW ART EXHIBIT IN QUEENS HONORS LUNAR NEW YEAR ....點選更多訊息A new art exhibit in Queens is highlighting an old tradition as part of Lunar New Year celebrations.
"The Costume Art of Imperial Peking Opera" opened at Flushing Town Hall on Saturday, featuring handmade dresses with bright color and intricate details that were worn by performers in different productions.
Organizers said the exhibit gave visitors a close-up look at the costumes they typically see on stage during performances.
"We really wanted to use this opportunity to bring the communities together and really presenting global arts to our global community in New York City," said Ya Yun Teng, the Chinese Project Director for Flushing Town Hall.
You can check out the costumes through March 11.
2018.2.14 | [Queens Tribune] Peking Opera Costumes Come To Flushing Town Hall ....點選更多訊息By SAM RAPPAPORT
On February 17, an exhibition showcasing the colorful costumes of the Imperial Peking Opera will open at Flushing Town Hall.
The opening ceremony for “The Art of Imperial Peking Opera Costume” will take place at 2 p.m. this Saturday at Flushing Town Hall, located at 137-35 Northern Blvd., and will feature Peking Opera performers in full makeup and dressed in traditional costumes.
The Peking Opera is largely recognized as the preeminent theater in China. It is known also as the Imperial Theater since emperors and queens were deeply involved with the productions throughout the Qing Dynasty.
The intricate and vibrant costumes of the Peking Opera are considered a major achievement in the realm of theater art, and the exhibition will present carefully selected pieces from an assortment of the most famous episodes in Peking Opera. All of the costumes are designed to reflect the social status, personality and psychological demeanor of the characters. The exhibition will pay special attention to the interpretation of this relationship between the character and the display of colors, symbols and designs on the characters’ costumes.
The gallery hours for this new exhibition will be on Saturday and Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. Those interested in taking a tour of the exhibition on weekdays may do so by scheduling an appointment at (718) 463-7700, ext. 222.
New York City residents will have three weeks to grab a peak at the famous costumes before the exhibition shuts down on March 11. While the exhibition is free to the public, Flushing Town Hall suggests a donation of $5.
For more information on Flushing Town Hall and “The Art of Imperial Peking Opera Costume,” visit www.flushingtownhall.org.
2018.2.11 | [NY Daily News] Where to celebrate Lunar New Year in New York City ....點選更多訊息It’s going to be a paw-some year — at least, when it comes to the Lunar calendar. The Year of the Dog officially kicks off Feb. 16 and there’s no shortage of events to commemorate the holiday. From parades to concerts and story hours, here’s what’s going on in the five boroughs. ............................................................................................ Saturday Feb 17 ............................................................................................. The Costume Art of Imperial Peking Opera
It’s opening day for the newest weekend-only exhibit at Flushing Town Hall. As its name suggests, the display brings together stunning ensembles used in theatrical shows once performed for emperors and queens. (137-35 Northern Blvd., Flushing, 718-463-7700 ext. 222, flushingtownhall.org; 2 p.m., $5 suggested donation)
2018.2.8 | [World Journal/世界日報] 法拉盛文藝中心 辦京劇戲服特展 ....點選更多訊息影音來源:記者朱蕾
法拉盛文藝中心行政及藝術總監Ellen Kodadek表示:「法拉盛文藝中心維持一貫的傳統,為了與亞裔社區一同歡慶新年,特別設計了一系列活動。中心的大門永遠為大家敞開,只要是想一起慶祝這個盛大節日的朋友們,都歡迎來共襄盛舉。」
2018.2.8 | [The China Press/僑報] 周龙章“京剧戏服特展”17日法拉盛展出 ....點選更多訊息【侨报记者王伊琳2月6日纽约报道】为庆祝农历新年,法拉盛文艺中心将于2月17日(大年初二)至3月11日举办“京剧戏服特展”,展出华裔艺术家、京剧服饰收藏家周龙章多年来在中国大陆、台湾及香港等地收集来的京剧戏服。开幕式将于2月17日下午2时举行,届时有全妆京剧演员现场示范。
6日,策划人周兴立与周龙章、法拉盛文艺中心行政暨艺术总监Ellen Kodadek 、资深京剧演员房玉麟以及甘台宁、杨旻雯及邓雅云等在法拉盛介绍了特展内容。Ellen Kodadek表示,希望借此展览展示传统文化的魅力,与亚裔社区一起欢度农历新年。周龙章表示,京剧中具有代表性的戏服,其中最为抢眼的,是由手工绣制的龙袍及贵妃装、太后装,织工精致,样式繁复,颜色亮丽,服装各处妆满象征吉祥的传统符号。周兴立表示,这次特展是法拉盛文艺中心为爱好戏曲艺术和民众提供了一个难得的机会,可以让民众近距离欣赏京剧戏服装,对戏服的历史和角色人物穿着的服装造型有更深的认识,希望借此提供一个欣赏京剧服饰之美的入门指南。
2018.2.8 | [Epoch Times/大紀元] 京剧戏服特展 年初二法拉盛文艺中心登场 ....點選更多訊息【大纪元2018年02月08日讯】(大纪元记者林丹纽约报导)法拉盛文艺中心将于2月17日至3月11日举办“京剧戏服特展”,展出由美华艺术协会会长周龙章珍藏多年的京剧戏服,借着手工精致及文化内涵丰富的戏服展出,展现中华传统文化,作为文艺中心“欢庆黄历新年系列”的一部分,与亚裔一同庆祝黄历新年。
法拉盛文艺中心的行政及艺术总监Ellen Kodadek表示,今年法拉盛文艺中心维持一贯的传统,为了与亚裔社区一同欢庆新年,特别设计了一系列的节目和展览。当然,法拉盛文艺中心的大门永远为大家敞开,只要是想一起庆祝这个盛大节日的朋友们,都欢迎一齐来共襄盛举。
2018.2.6 | [SinoVision/美國中文電視] 慶農曆新年 弘揚中國國粹藝術 紐約法拉盛文藝中心辦“京劇戲服特展” ....點選更多訊息今天,紐約法拉盛文藝中心聯合美華藝術中心共同宣佈,將於新春期間推出“京劇戲服特展”,讓民眾從全新角度走進京劇藝術
2018.2.1 | [Broadway World] Flushing Town Hall To Celebrate Lunar New Year With Costume Art, The Dragon King, 2018 Chinese New Year Temple Bazaar ....點選更多訊息Flushing Town Hall will celebrate the Year of the Dog with a series of events celebrating the Lunar New Year in February and March, including stunning costumes from the Imperial Peking Opera and a presentation of The Dragon King by the acclaimed Tanglewood Marionettes.
Flushing Town Hall will present The Costume Art of Imperial Peking Opera, opening on Saturday, February 17. The Peking Opera is recognized as the most important Chinese theater in China. Known as the "Imperial Theater" because emperors and queens were deeply in love with it during the Qing Dynasty, these opera costumes are considered to be an important achievement in theater art. This exhibition presents carefully selected pieces from some of the most famous episodes in Peking Opera. These charming yet stunning works of art will provide many surprises.
An opening reception will be held on February 17 at 2:00 pm. Visitors can view the exhibition then through Sunday March 11 in the first-floor Gallery. Gallery hours are Noon to 5:00 p.m. on weekends, or by appointment on weekdays. Flushing Town Hall recommends a $5 donation, and students and members can visit for free. ...........