Lynx Nguyen

1985年生於越南,1993年在政府安排下,隨家人移民亞特蘭大,尋求更好的機會。移民開始的15年來,因為語言與歧視的問題,生活非常辛苦。LYNX決心把這些負面的經驗轉化成學習與創作的動力,尋求平靜、規律與和善的意念。他 2011年畢業於喬治亞州立大學,主修純藝術。四年後,他拿到沙凡納設計藝術學院的藝術創作碩士。研究所期間,他主要專注於素描的創作,尤其是痕跡(mark-making)的探索,以成自律之器。

2019LYNX major museum exhibition titled; Traditions: Compounded at Spartanburg Museum of Art, South Carolina in February 2019
2018LYNX exhibition at Oglethorpe University, Atlanta, Georgia, along with two other Atlanta artists.
2018LYNX solo show at Mason Fine Art, Atlanta, Georgia, called the Red Carpet.
2018LYNX was awarded the Foundation for Contemporary Arts Emergency Grants
2018LYNX was featured on PBS in an episode called The New American Master.
2018LYNX was featured in The New American Painting Magazine issue #135.
2017LYNX solo exhibition: Marks of Discipline at Wonderroot Art Gallery. Atlanta, Georgia
2017LYNX and Namwon: Found in Transition, a two person exhibition at Stanley Beaman and Sears Gallery. Atlanta, Georgia
2015LYNX solo show at Gallery L1. Atlanta, Georgia called Marks of Virtue