Kuo-Heng Huang
March 13 - April 11, 2014
Gallery 456
Exhibition Statement

“I ponder the reason of the universe, gaze through the scope of camera lens, capture the other world when the seam leaks, and reveal imaginations beyond reality. Call it fantasy or nostalgia, either to escape or to reach, this plane is where thoughts to rest.”
“Fairy Dust” is a body of work that seeks to reveal the dual nature of the fairy tale by posting questions utilizing the photographic format yet casting the photographer’s personal emotions. This series of images, although taken from the real life, shatters the foundation of logic and gently opens the gate of one’s memory, and constantly constructs a “reality” of one’s own with countless imagination.

The exhibit has been extended!
Mr. Huang will be interviewed by the "New York Lounge" show on 4/8

click for more info

Gallery Hours: Mon-Fri 12-5pm
Opening Reception 6-8pm, 03.13.2014
Exhibition Sponsors
[侨报] 台湾摄影家黄国恒华埠456艺廊个展
[世界新聞] 黃國恆攝影 展現虛實間的曖昧
3/13/2014 Press Release
[SinoVision] 黄国恒摄影个展456画廊上演