Calm Before the Storm
May 17 - May 31, 2024
Gallery 456
Exhibition Statement

"Calm Before the Storm" is a series I have been eager to create over the past few years. This collection uses various techniques such as photography, sketches, and oil painting to capture the vast array of natural expressions, reflecting the diversity and dynamics of human and societal environments. The global turmoil brought about by three years of the COVID-19 pandemic has intensified tensions both between individuals and among nations, escalating conflicts across various sectors, much like the high pressure that precedes a storm, prompting deep reflections among people. My own life experienced significant changes during this period; I moved from Beijing, where I had lived for over twenty years, to New York. In Beijing, due to the lockdowns, we were mostly confined indoors, and the view outside my window became the main scenery I observed, leading me to view everything I saw as if it came with its own window frame or was veiled by a curtain of mesh. Extended periods of observation simplified the complex details and sharpened the expression of my thoughts and feelings. In New York, I often see the various clouds that hang over the Manhattan skyline at different times. Sometimes, they are like enormous tufts of cotton, snow-white and fluffy; other times, they blaze in pink or fiery red, brilliant as a burning sun—a truly beautiful spectacle. However, what captivates me the most are the mountainous dark clouds before a storm, pressing down over the entire city. At such moments, from the sky above to the ground beneath my feet, it feels like a world that could burst into chaos at any moment or remain silent for a long time before releasing its energy. Before the rain falls, there is much to ponder—clearer observations and deeper thoughts allow us to more swiftly welcome the golden rays breaking through the dark clouds. This is the initial inspiration behind creating this series.

Regarding artistic techniques, while I have retained some traditional painting methods, I have incorporated more elements characteristic of our times, including various composite materials. In an era where image resources are readily available and disposable products are abundant, this series aims to reflect the current moment through materials that symbolize the concerns and aesthetics of our times. I focus on using materials that quickly achieve visual impact, emphasizing the direct expression of emotions and concepts rather than spending time on the detailed depiction of physical forms. This approach allows me to more directly portray the symbolic significance of the subjects and convey the essence of my thoughts.

Opening Reception: Friday, May 17, 2024, 5 - 8 PM
[World Journal /世界日報] 記錄疫下封控的困與痛 陳幽隱個展開幕
[Sing Tao Daily/星島日報] 陳幽隱「風暴之前」個展5/17至31日456畫廊展出
[China Press / 侨报] 華人藝術家陳幽隱个展華埠456畫廊舉辦